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南京航空航天大学郭万林院士学术报告:Emerging Hydrovoltaic Technology

出处:海洋之神之线路检测中心   发布时间:2018-10-21    您是第 900位浏览者



报告题目:Emerging Hydrovoltaic Technology





Water is not only the essence of life, but also the largest energy carrier on earth. Water covers about 70% of the earth's surface, absorbing 70% of the solar energy arriving the earth, and in the atmosphere it can exist in liquid, gaseous and solid states. In human history, through a variety of scientific principles, such as running water driven wheel, steam locomotives, water driven generator as well as the electrokinetic effects, the potential energy or kinetic energy of water can be converted into useful mechanical motion and electrical energy according to the principles of classical mechanics and electromagnetic dynamics. In recent years, we have theoretically and experimentally investigated the fluid-solid-electric coupling functionalization of graphene and other two-dimensional materials. It is found that carbon nanostructures can generate electricity from water energy by direct interaction with water, even by natural water evaporation from cheap carbon nanomaterials, a phenomenon that we termed as hydrovoltaic effect, which potentially extends the technical capability of water energy harvesting and enables creation of self-powered devices. Here, starting by presenting the water energy on the earth, fundamental properties of water and water-solid interfaces, we discussed basic mechanisms of harvesting water energy by carbon nanostructured materials and key aspects pertaining to water-carbon interaction. Experimental advances in generating electricity from water flows, waves, especially natural water-evaporation were then reviewed to show correlations in mechanisms and potential for integration, offering a prospect of harvesting energy from the nature cycle of water on the earth. Main challenges in promoting the energy conversion efficiency and scaling up the output power will be outlined, and finally discuss potential development and applications of the hydrovoltaic technology.




院士1.png 郭万林,博士,教授,中国科学院院士。现任南京航空航天大学纳米科学研究所所长,纳智能材料器件教育部重点实验室主任,机械结构力学及控制国家重点实验室副主任。长期从事新型功能材料与器件、飞机结构抗疲劳断裂设计方面的理论难题和关键技术的研究。建立了低维材料结构力---热耦合的物理力学理论体系;在宏观工程环境中发现了流-固界面边界运动生电、气流生电和蒸发生电效应,突破了经典双电层动电理论。建立了飞机结构三维疲劳断裂理论、攻克了飞机结构三维损伤容限关键技术,成果被系统地用于飞机型号研制,解决了型号研制急需。在Nature Nanotech.Nature Commun.PRLAdv. Mater.JACSNano Lett.JMPS等刊物发表学术论文400多篇,多次被选为封面,被SCI收录287篇、篇均被引20次;201420152016年连续入选爱思唯尔中国高被引学者榜单。




